Cortisol Management Guide
Between work, bills, traffic, and to-do lists, it can feel like there's a lot to stress about!
While you can't get rid of stress altogether, you can change your lifestyle to help manage your cortisol levels.
Use this guide to learn 7 habits to build your stress resiliency and get cortisol in a healthy range:
- Set Morning Intentions
- Limit Blue Light
- Get More Sunlight
- Cut Back Caffeine
- Improve Sleep Hygiene
- Journal
- Supplements
Personally, my go-to stress remedy is to pause, close my eyes, take a deep breath (sometimes I go take a shower and lay on the shower floor with my legs up leaning against the wall - lol I actually do this every time I shower, stressed or not - it's relaxing!), and remember that life is short and if it's spent stressing the small stuff. I grab a journal, write whatever blabs outta my head, make a bunch of to-do lists, go surf, give Parker an extra tight hug and kiss, and then go back to the grind, reminding myself that feelings of stress will pass and that everything always works out ok.
If it helps, try it now..
Pause, close your eyes, take a breath and then remind yourself that things will always turn out ok.
Here's the guide ๐๐