Feeling Conflicted?
This week's topic isn't about nutrition. More about life, making decisions, feeling the "shoulds" of society, and instead...
focusing on what's best for YOU.
This topic came to mind because I'm experiencing two internal conflicts myself.
What my conditioned brain says:
1. I "should" go to the gym more and focus on surfing less because my business feels so centered around the gym.
2. I "should" care about being in a relationship because if I ever want kids, I need a relationship.
Instead, the pep talk that my unconditioned mind is about to give us both sounds something like this:
Dear whoever is reading this,
Get rid of the "shoulds." The only shoulds that exist are:
1. You should strive to be a good person. Treat people kindly, honestly and genuinely. When your intentions are good and pure, nothing that you do or desire will be received negatively. And if they are, that is not a reflection of you.
2. You should take hold of your life. A strong hold! Because this life is yours and is to be lived the way you want it to be.
So keeping these two things in mind, remind yourself that there is no right or wrong to your decisions and actions. You don't have to do something because society has told you it should be done that way.
Do the things that bring you joy and happiness. And when you follow your own happiness, it's amazing what opportunities unfold and evolve. Sometimes it takes feeling like something is breaking in order for something new to be created. When you act from such a genuine place of joy, things will align for you. You'll know it and feel it. You'll receive signs and reassurances that you're on the right path. You'll attract the right people into your life, your career will expand, your heart will feel full and you'll exist on this new, higher frequency where the colors feel brighter, the sunshine is warmer, and strangers' smiles are bigger.
We must remember not to take life so seriously. Sure, things like money and responsibilities are important, but not to the point of being left unable to enjoy life.
Take big breaths of fresh air, an extra glance at earth's beautiful flowers, and remember all of the goodness in your life. Express the things you're grateful for. Acknowledge all of your hard work and successes.
Instead of focusing on what you "should" do, do the things that you love to do.
That's the only way that everything will fall into place ✨